Stupid or Lying?

29 03 2010

N-Pod gives some credence to “Stupid.”

True, [Palin] seems to know very little about international affairs, but expertise in this area is no guarantee of wise leadership. After all, her rival for the vice presidency, who in some sense knows a great deal, was wrong on almost every major issue that arose in the 30 years he spent in the Senate.


Of course, he gives away the game with his very first sentence.

Nothing annoys certain…

Fuck it.


Say It Aint So Joe

29 03 2010

Nooooooooooooooooooo! Leave Michael Steele (D) alooooooooooooooooooooone!


Whiskey Rumination

29 03 2010

I love me some Michael Steele (D).



29 03 2010

“In these volatile times when we are a nation at war, now more than ever is when we need a commander-in-chief, not a constitutional law professor lecturing us from a lectern.”

— Sarah Palin

I guess what we need, is for someone to lecture us from their palm.



29 03 2010

Jon Chait deals with Robert Samuelson.

Obviously, all of this is dressed up in the policy (or maybe just political) mumbo-jumbo of the professional opinion set, but at its heart is a sentiment that holds that those less fortunate ought really just to fuck off and die.  It’ll never be openly discussed in those terms, of course, because whereas telling millions upon millions of your fellow citizens to fuck off and die is the brave act of a Very Serious Person, explaining in clear terms what’s actually being proposed is a terrible breach of Village decorum.



29 03 2010

Oh, dear.


Because…Love Isn’t Always On Time?

29 03 2010

Via Roy, it’s fascinating the extent to which this sort of rhetoric isn’t personally embarrassing for them.  And…The Patriot?  Oh, dear.



29 03 2010

As you might expect.

Of course, something very similar happened during the Fever-Swamp days of the Clinton Administration.  Back then, it was totally okay to take up arms in the cause of liberty against the Evil of the Federal Government and etc.  And it remained so until a Republican occupied the Oval Office, at which point it became treason and evidence of a kind of clinical detachment from reality to even to offer mild criticism of the administration and its policies.  But then a Democrat became president and once again it was tribally acceptable to take up arms and make actual threats and espouse all kinds of insane theories about elective officials and the role of the national government in destroying American liberty and on and on.


Waiting For The Anti-Christ

29 03 2010

Wow! Feel teh crazy.



29 03 2010

Your modern American conservative.
